(last updated (03/04/2025)
Be sure to review the Office of the Registrar's information on transfer credit here.
Transfer credit advisors are faculty members who have a specific role in determining Rice-equivalent credit for courses taken at other universities, and they often ask for course descriptions, syllabi, and other materials to make such determinations.
You will need to contact the transfer credit advisor for the department that houses the class you would like equivalent credit for. For instance, if you are a chemistry major trying to get equivalent credit for MATH 102, you would reach out to the mathematics transfer credit advisor, NOT the chemistry transfer credit advisor.
Transfer Credit Advisors 2024-2025
- Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations
Sophie Crawford-Brown scb@rice.edu 122 Herring Hall - Anthropology
Vivian Lu vivian.lu@rice.edu 556 Sewall Hall - Architecture
Andrew Colopy andrew.colopy@rice.edu 207 Anderson Hall - Art
Josh Bernstein (Art) jb64@rice.edu 411 Sewall Hall Christina Keefe (Theatre) ck1@rice.edu 106 Hamman Hall - Art History
Denva Gallant dg102@rice.edu 111 Herring Hall - Asian Studies
Sonia Ryang sonia.ryang@rice.edu 309 Lovett Hall - Astronomy & Astrophysics
Andrea Isella isella@rice.edu 354 Herman Brown Hall - Bioengineering
Bilal Ghosn bghosn@rice.edu 231 BioScience Research Collaborative - Biosciences - Biochemistry, Cell Biology & Genetics, Integrative Biology
Jamie Catanese djc98@rice.edu 103A Anderson Biological Laboratories James Chappell (Study Abroad) jc125@rice.edu 332 Keck Hall - Biosciences - Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Scott Solomon scott.solomon@rice.edu 103D Anderson Biological Laboratories - Business
Natalia Piqueira natalia.piqueira@rice.edu 264 McNair Hall - Center for Languages and Intercultural Communication
Hossam Elsherbiny he9@rice.edu 221 Rayzor Hall - Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Ken Cox krcox@rice.edu 311B O'Connor Building for Engineering and Science - Chemistry
John Hutchinson jshutch@rice.edu 315 Dell Butcher Hall - Civil and Environmental Engineering
Kalil Erazo kalil.erazo@rice.edu 216 Ryon Engineering Lab - Classical Studies
Hilary Mackie mackie@rice.edu 233 Rayzor Hall - Cognitive Science
Bart Moore bart4@rice.edu 480 Sewall Hall - Computational Applied Mathematics and Operations Research
Anastasiya Protasov
Minor, CAAMAnastasiya.N.Protasov@rice.edu 3085 Duncan Hall Andrew Schaefer
BA in CAAM, BA in OPRE, & BS OPREandrew.schaefer@rice.edu 2036 Duncan Hall Eylem Tekin
Minor, OPREEylem.Tekin@rice.edu 3086 Duncan Hall - Computer Science
Computer Science transfer-credit-cs@rice.edu - Data Science
Xinjie Lan xl116@rice.edu 2056 Duncan Hall - Earth, Environmental, & Planetary Science
Melodie French mefrench@rice.edu 203 Keith-Wiess Geological Lab - Economics
Lexi Phillips
Graduate and Undergraduate Program Coordinatorlexi.phillips@rice.edu 408 Kraft Hall - Electrical and Computer Engineering
Joseph Cavallaro cavallar@rice.edu 3042 Duncan Hall - English
Betty Joseph beejay@rice.edu 319 Herring Hall - Entrepreneurship
Hesam Panahi hpanahi@rice.edu 131D McNair Hall - Environmental Science
Evan Siemann siemann@rice.edu E200D George R. Brown Hall - European Studies
Jacqueline Couti jacqueline.couti@rice.edu 315 Rayzor Hall - French Studies
Linsey Saint-Claire linsey.sainte-claire@rice.edu 335 Rayzor Hall - German Studies
Astrid Oesmann astrid.oesmann@rice.edu 327 Rayzor Hall - Global Health Technologies
Meaghan Bond meaghan.mc.bond@rice.edu 517 BioScience Research Collaborative Yvette Mirabal ymirabal@rice.edu 920 BioScience Research Collaborative Michelle Nodskov michelle.nodskov@rice.edu 922 BioScience Research Collaborative Kiara Lee Kiara.Lee@rice.edu 917 BioScience Research Collaborative - History
Aysha Pollnitz aysha.pollnitz@rice.edu 310 Humanities - Humanities
Andrew Stefl andrew.stefl@rice.edu 116 Humanities - Jewish Studies
Matthias Henze mhenze@rice.edu 205 Humanities - Kinesiology
Heidi Perkins hperkins@rice.edu 203F Tudor Fieldhouse - Latin American Studies
Paula Park paula.park@rice.edu 331 Rayzor Hall - Linguistics
Robert Englebretson reng@rice.edu 206 Herring Hall - LPAP
Dr. Anatolia Vick-Kregel av82@rice.edu Gibbs Recreation/Wellness Center - Materials Science and Nanoengineering
Hanyu Zhu hz67@rice.edu E200J George R. Brown Hall - Mathematics
Frank Jones fjones@rice.edu 448 Herman Brown Hall - Mechanical Engineering
David Trevas dat7@rice.edu 230 Mechanical Engineering Building - Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Claire Fanger cfanger@rice.edu 307 Humanities Building - Music
Geoffrey Scott geoffrey.scott@rice.edu 2235 Alice Pratt Brown Hall - Neuroscience
Peter Lwigale lwigale@rice.edu 371 Anderson Biological Laboratories - Philosophy
Charles Siewert siewert@rice.edu 223 Humanities - Physics
Stanley Dodds dodds@rice.edu 215 Herzstein Hall - Political Science
Joseph Cozza joseph.cozza@rice.edu 108 Herzstein Hall - Politics, Law, and Social Thought
Peter Caldwell caldwell@rice.edu 336 Humanities - Poverty, Justice, and Human Capabilities
Kerry Ward kward@rice.edu 334 Humanities Building Moramay Lopez Alonso moramay@rice.edu 303 Humanities Building - Psychological Sciences
Phil Kortum pkortum@rice.edu 488 Sewall Hall - Religion
David Cook dbcook@rice.edu 211 Humanities Judith Brunton jb232@rice.edu 229 Humanities Building - Social Policy Analysis
Steven Perry sp52@rice.edu Fondren 414 - Sociology
Anna Rhodes anna.rhodes@rice.edu 257 Kraft Hall - Spanish and Portuguese
Rafael Salaberry salaberry@rice.edu 334 Rayzor Hall - Sport Analytics
Clark Haptonstall hapton@rice.edu 245 Kraft Hall - Sport Management
Clark Haptonstall hapton@rice.edu 245 Kraft Hall - Statistics
Meng Li meng@rice.edu 214 Maxfield Hall - Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality
Emily Houlik-Ritchey eh27@rice.edu 335 Rayzor Hall - Teaching Certification Program
Judy Radigan jradigan@rice.edu 335 Anderson-Clarke Center