Academic Standing

Remaining in good academic standing is similar to remaining in good health. Proactive, preventive measures – good study habits, self-discipline, efficient time management, committed attendance – can help a student thrive academically. However, students do struggle at various times for various reasons. The Office of Academic Advising (OAA) helps support students trying to improve and restore their academic standing as well as return to Rice University after a leave.

If you feel at risk of being placed on academic probation or suspension, please contact the OAA as soon as possible to speak with an advisor. Advisors will work with you to understand the context of your situation, help specify what needs to change, refer you to available forms of assistance, and aid in the implementation of a plan for future success.

Please refer to the General Announcements to see the conditions that put students on Academic Probation and Academic Suspension.


Monday - Friday

8:30 am - 12:00 pm

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm 


Phone | 713.348.4060

Email |


Office of Academic Advising MS-529

Rice University, Ley Student Center, Suite 132

6100 Main Street

Houston, TX 77005