Welcome to the Office of Academic Advising! Our website is dedicated to helping Rice undergraduate students navigate the numerous advising resources available to them. Please take the time to thoroughly explore our site, and feel free to contact us at any time with any questions or concerns. The OAA consists of 12 professional advisors, 8 of whom work in Ley Student Center (Suite 132) and 4 of whom work in the Youngkin Academic Center within Tudor Fieldhouse.
Mission Statement
The Office of Academic Advising at Rice University strives for an unparalleled environment for undergraduates to explore opportunities, identify goals, and implement plans to reach those goals.
Our Role
The Office of Academic Advising (OAA) directs, coordinates, and supports campus-wide advising of undergraduate students by providing training and comprehensive resources to all faculty, staff, and student advisors. Training and information sessions address our advising philosophy and model, academic rules and regulations, general graduation requirements, academic resources and educational opportunities, as well as guidance on advising strategies, techniques, and skills. The OAA also disseminates academic information directly through systematic programming in the residential colleges. Individual advising is available to any undergraduate student for any reason! The OAA is also available for specialized advising:
- new students
- student athletes
- students interested in health professions
- pre-law students
- transfer students
- readmitted students (or those seeking readmission)
- students undecided about their major
- students in need of academic support services
Rice's Advising Model
Rice’s small size and residential college system allow for the utilization of a unique advising system, referred to as a “split-supplemental model.” Rice’s advising system splits advising between new students and those who have declared majors. Faculty advising is supplemented with a strong support network of trained professional staff and peer student advisors. The advising system offers individual attention to each student by faculty advisors with unique educational perspectives and experiences, while also affording constant access to professional staff members and peer academic advisors. Here's a visual of our advising network:

Advising Philosophy, Theory, and Resources
National Academic Advising Association
The Mentor: An Academic Advising Journal
Chronology of Academic Advising in America
New York Times – The Residential Collage