Study Skills and Time Management

Each semester, some students struggle to implement the study and time management skills necessary to perform well in the academically rigorous environment at Rice. All students at Rice are talented and capable, but college is not like high school. Classes and assignments are structured differently. Expectations of college professors are beyond those of high school teachers. And you have a greater degree of personal freedom and responsibility.

This means self-discipline is instrumental to success. How do you prioritize your coursework and schedule study time? Gathering syllabi, making schedules, and avoiding distractions are essential. Think about the best time of day and location for you to study. Students are also encouraged to be realistic about their time constraints. A balanced schedule of academics, extracurricular activities, and personal well-being that leaves room for the unexpected is the goal. It is critical to know the available resources for academic assistance and use them at the first sign of difficulty.

You may also fill out our Academic Assistance Request Form for course-specific assistance.

Check out our resources to help you be successful!


Monday - Friday

8:30 am - 12:00 pm

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm 


Phone | 713.348.4060

Email |


Office of Academic Advising MS-529

Rice University, Ley Student Center, Suite 132

6100 Main Street

Houston, TX 77005